Remani Project Info

A 7-key vertical scrolling rhythm game.

Goal % % Complete Deadline Milestones Completion Verification Expected Result Deliverables
100% 100% 2018-02-02 Display window and skin elements Visual check A window appears with a white background and various images drawn on the window. Executable
100% 100% 2018-02-09 Detect keyboard input Visual check 7 rectangles are drawn that flash red when the corresponding key is pressed.
The keys are s, d, f, Space, j, k, and l.
100% 100% 2018-02-16 Draw the play area Visual check There is a track with 7 rectangles at the bottom of the track. Executable
100% 100% 2018-02-23 Parse .osu files Visual check Print metadata from the .osu file. Executable
100% 100% 2018-03-02 .mp3 support Visual check Print metadata from the .mp3 file. (Sample rate and length) Executable
100% 100% 2018-03-09 The chart is rendered correctly Visual check A triangle is formed out of rectangles. Executable
100% 100% 2018-03-30 Long notes are rendered Visual check A lot of rectangles fall with varying lengths. Executable
100% 100% 2018-04-07 The game is playable Visual check Notes fall along the track and get hit by corresponding keys. Text appears telling whether the player missed or hit the note. Executable
100% 100% 2018-04-13 There is a main menu Visual check A black screen with the words "Play", "Options", and "Exit" in white. Executable
100% 100% 2018-05-01 SV changes are supported Visual check The notes fall slow, then fast, then slow, then fast. Executable
100% 0% 2018-05-11 Stage light animation Visual check Each column lights up when its corresponding key is pressed. Executable
100% 100% 2018-05-17 Lighting animation Visual check There is a fancy animation played at the top of the keys everytime a note falls to the line. Executable